The Unspoken Burden: Five Hidden Consequences of Mass Shootings for Teachers

The Unspoken Burden: Five Hidden Consequences of Mass Shootings for Teachers

The impact of active shooter situations extends far beyond the loss of life. Those who have experienced or witnessed a mass shooting carry enduring memories and often become vocal advocates for various potential solutions to tackle the issue. It is challenging to assess the level of safety people feel and how these events affect the day-to-day teaching and learning experiences of students and teachers. We conducted one-on-one interviews with teachers on and off-camera to gain insight into these matters.

We engaged with multiple teachers, posing inquiries about school safety, such as, "How safe do you feel?" "What impact do active shooter drills have on the learning experience?" "How effective do you believe these drills are?" and "What solutions do you think would effectively address the problem?" These were just a few of the questions we asked, and the responses we received were surprisingly enlightening.

One: Shifting Perceptions of Safety 

We began our interviews with Thomas, a middle school science teacher with nearly two decades of teaching experience. When asked how his perception of safety has evolved over the years, he candidly expressed that he believes the current circumstances are more dangerous. Drawing on his memory of the Columbine tragedy, he emphasized that the present fear surpasses even the aftermath of that devastating event. 

As a parent, his primary concern lies in the safety of his children rather than his own. While he does not fear going to work each morning, his thoughts often gravitate toward the well-being of his children. Interestingly, Thomas's sentiments were echoed by the majority of teachers we interviewed.

Two: Mixed Experiences with Active Shooter Drills

Our discussions with teachers revealed various experiences with active shooter drills, encompassing both positive and negative aspects. The prevailing consensus among educators was that these drills are helpful and necessary but unlikely to deter a determined assailant. Our conversations made it apparent that such drills can significantly impact the learning experience in detrimental ways.

One teacher shared an unsettling incident involving an extensive drill that involved SWAT teams. The aftermath of this particular drill left many students in tears, overwhelmed by fear that persisted even after its conclusion. The immersive nature of the drill, where students were unaware it was a practice exercise, heightened their sense of terror. This raises concerns about the potential negative consequences of inducing increased student fear during such drills.

Conversely, another teacher expressed apprehension about students becoming desensitized to the drills. In some cases, students may perceive the drills as routine occurrences, potentially leading to a lack of seriousness in responding to a genuine threat. This poses a significant challenge as problems emerge at both ends of the fear spectrum.

As you can see, teachers encounter complexities and dilemmas regarding the efficacy and impact of active shooter drills. While acknowledging their value, concerns arise regarding the potential emotional distress experienced by students and the risk of desensitization, emphasizing the need for thoughtful evaluation and improvement of these safety measures.

Three: Exploring Potential Solutions

To gauge teachers' perspectives on exploring alternative security measures, such as adding School Resource Officers, we posed the question to Thomas and other educators. The responses we received yielded unexpected results. Roughly half of the teachers we interviewed supported the deployment of additional officers, while the other half either outright opposed the idea or deemed it ineffective. This stark divide among educators challenges the assumption that increasing the presence of officers is an obvious and universally accepted solution for enhancing school security.

The varying opinions extended to the hot topic of guns as well. Some teachers strongly favored firearms, while others held opposing views. Some suggested that enhanced regulation and stricter background checks would be beneficial, whereas others disagreed. Of the teachers we interviewed who favored increased regulation, all agreed that certain weapons should be prohibited. This further emphasizes just how split our teachers are on the issue. Despite most interviewees supporting the notion of heightened regulation, there was limited consensus regarding the specific measures required, aside from advocating for background checks and the prohibition of certain firearms.

Four: Differing Perspectives on Firearm Regulation

During our interviews, we encountered teachers who firmly opposed implementing new regulations, and their viewpoints warrant careful consideration. When the question of outlawing specific firearms was raised, their common response was that such measures should not be taken, as "the most intimidating-looking guns are not necessarily the most dangerous." 

An example often cited was the AR-15, which is frequently met with resistance. One teacher said, "Some argue that it is a weapon of war, but that couldn't be further from the truth." She explained that "AR" denotes the company's name that designed the platform rather than "Assault Rifle." Essentially, the argument was that firearms are not overly complex devices, and an individual with ill intent could inflict significant harm using weapons that may appear less militaristic and tactical but are, in fact, more effective. Consequently, any legislation addressing firearms would either be overly broad, infringing upon people's rights, or inherently ineffective.

These teachers challenge the notion that the external appearance of firearms accurately reflects their potential danger. Their perspective underscores the belief that legislation aimed solely at banning specific types of guns may fail to address the crux of the issue. It highlights the complexity of balancing preserving individual rights and implementing measures that effectively mitigate the risks associated with firearms.

It is crucial to acknowledge these differing viewpoints, as dismissing them outright would undermine the depth of the ongoing debate surrounding firearm regulation. This underscores the need for nuanced and comprehensive discussions to navigate the complexities of this contentious issue.

Five: Taking A Nuanced Approach

Irrespective of one's position on political solutions to gun violence, it is universally acknowledged that both students and teachers deserve to feel safe within the school environment. The differing opinions on legislative remedies indicate a persistent gridlock that is unlikely to be easily resolved. It is essential to recognize that dismissing the arguments of either side outright would be counterproductive. As a result, any endeavors aimed at addressing this issue must adopt a nuanced approach.

At PAKSHIELD, we acknowledge that our team holds diverse political opinions. However, we share a common passion for PAKSHIELD and a collective commitment to taking action at an individual level. Our objective remains unchanged while we may differ on the best pathway to a safer world. This is why we have developed ballistic inserts—to provide genuine protection and offer an alternative that circumvents the impasse created by conflicting political perspectives.

Recognizing gun violence's complexities and embracing a nuanced approach, we strive to bridge the divide and work toward shared goals. We firmly believe that progress lies in finding common ground and seeking tangible solutions that transcend political deadlock.

Although differing viewpoints persist, our unwavering dedication to enhancing safety remains steadfast. Through collaborative efforts and innovative solutions, we can collectively strive for a more secure future.


PAKSHIELD LLC is a manufacturer of a high-quality personal protective device with ballistic stopping power designed to be used in the event of an active shooter occurrence. It can be easily and discreetly inserted into a backpack or other bag.

At PAKSHIELD LLC, we believe that everyone has the right to feel safe and secure, and we are proud to offer a device that can help provide that peace of mind. The PAKSHIELD personal protection device is just one example of our commitment to innovation, quality and customer satisfaction.

To learn more about the PAKSHIELD device, please visit or contact us directly. We look forward to helping you protect what matters most.

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